Written, Directed, Videoed by Shani Mootoo and Deborah Root
5 mins. 2010
30 mins. 1996
Guerita and Prietita
Written, directed and edited by Shani Mootoo and Kathy High
19 mins, 1995
Her Sweetness Lingers
Written and Directed by Shani Mootoo
Vidography by Paul Lang
Principal actors: Michelle La Flamme, Manisha Singh
12 mins, 1994
Wild Woman in the Woods
Written, directed by Shani Mootoo
Videography Jody Polowick
Principal actors: Shauna Beharry and Shani Mootoo
14 mins, 1993
A Paddle and a Compass
Written and directed by Shani Mootoo and Wendy Oberlander,
9 mins. 10 secs., 1992
English Lesson
Written, directed, videoed by Shani Mootoo
Performed by Bernard Fernandes, 1992
Lest I Burn
Written, directed, videoed by Shani Mootoo
5 mins. 18 secs., 1991
Selected Screenings
Museum of Modern Art NYC, 1995-6
MIX, NYC. 1993-95
The Flaherty Film Seminar,New Work, 1994
Glenbow Museum, Calgary Alberta, 1994
San Francisco International Lesbian and Gay Film Festival, 1993
Desh Pradesh, Toronto, 1993
Annual Asian American Videoscape, NYC, 1993
Video Rampage, Vancouver 1992
The National Film Board Third Internationa
l Women's Film and Video Festival, Vancouver, 1992
The Plug In Gallery, Winnipeg, 1992
Still from Her Sweetness Lingers, Video, 1994
Still from Wild Woman in the Woods, Video 1993